Sunday 15 May 2016

15/05/2016 Blog

Hi guys, today I will maybe do a video today or maybe not cause there is crazy stuff going on right now but I can`t say, it`s Sunday, boring as always but when your friends come over to yours, it makes your day even better cause you got someone special, looking out for you, it could be a boyfriend/girlfriend or even a close friend. So many people from YouTube are asking me on Twitter, "Do You Have A Boyfriend?" It`s difficult to say cause I do have a boyfriend but he`s not around me, like no in this country, he`s from Italy. I don``t know how many boyfriends I had but maybe 2 or 3 ex boyfriends, they only lasted a week cause I`m in the UK and they are like from America, Australia or even Denmark. I have difficult times where I don`t want to lose my boyfriend today and I am at the stage of that I have a feeling that he`s going to leave me, I always get that feeling at some point, someone is going to leave me, but you don`t know when or why.
But anyway, if you haven`t check it my latest video that I uploaded recently, you should check it out, it was the most emotional video that I ever reacted to, even though I do Try Not To Cry videos, but this video that I reacted, is the most emotional and depressing video yet that I reacted to, there could be more in the future, I have to be careful!
The link to the video -
This video that I reacted to, I will never forget this video, it remembers me of my old late friend that passed away at the age of 9 or 10 of cancer, RIP Daniel. I knew him since I started primary school and he was not brave but brave to cope cancer but he tried his best to beat it.
So yeah, today I might do a video but maybe not, I hope you have a great day and stay awesome!

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